


Wil Darling


Joe Ferguson

One of our more unusual staff members - The chicken that is. We have no idea what’s going on but it pecks away and gets things done.


Ella Johnson

The love I have for designing houses started from a very young age when I used to colour in my granddad's old architecture and drafting sheets. Since then, I've always loved coming up with different house layouts and making the rooms flow, as well as working with small spaces which is how I like to consider myself as a very determined, problem solver.  

I studied Diploma in Building Design from 2018 to 2021, which is how I ended up working at Design East.  

Outside of work, my hobbies consist of reading and rhythmic gymnastic, which has been my greatest achievement so far, competing internationally for both Tasmania and Australia over in New Zealand.  


Elbie Matthews


Hi my name is Elbie. The weird name comes from South Africa where I was born. Our family moved to Australia when I was still young, and we moved around before settling in Tasmania. Dad was a doctor, but his secret passion was carpentry and he was forever renovating every place we lived. This gave me a passion for ‘reinventing’ places, and I can’t seem to enter a building without imagining my version of its potential.

While starting my career in accounting and politics, I had a light bulb moment where I realised I could work in the area I was passionate about. I started my Diploma of Building and Design in 2018 and started working at Design East the following year. I enjoy working with our clients and my passion for the design continues to grow.